Sailing Instructions, Audits and Forms (including Interclub NOR & SIs)
RMYC Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions:
2024-2025 RMYC Sailing Instructions v2 (contains all amendments)
Amendment 1 to 2024/2025 NOR/SI's - issued 13/8/24
Previous year:
2023-2024 RMYC Sailing Instructions (contains all amendments)
Amendment 1 to 2023/2024 NOR/SI's - issued 4/9/23
Race Entry
NOTE: Race Entry is now available online via the 'Race Entry' tab in the Sailing menu above
Interclub Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions
Available via the LMYC website, click here
Safety Audit Forms
Click Here for all Audit Forms from the Australian Yachting Website – please note this link provides access to all audit category forms.
Handicaps Q&A
Want to know more about how the Performance Handicap System works? Click here - Performance Handicapping Explained. Please note that this document refers to Victorian Yachting and the Royal Brighton Yacht Club but they do use Topyacht and it does explain how Topyacht is used to recalculate the handicaps. Also note that the multipliers used with the Allocated Handicaps and the Back Handicaps to determine the new handicaps can be and are varied depending on a range of conditions not the least of which would be the length of the race series - if the series is a long series then more weight is placed on the allocated handicap but if the series is a short series, then more weight is applied to the back handicap.